Center Info

We are privileged to have our learning centre situated in an iconic historical house in Invercargill.

We have a uniquely designed nursery to ensure our babies have their own beautiful, calm, soft space. The toddlers enjoy their time together in a space especially created for their developmental age and stage. Our young children (2-3 year olds) enjoy their time in the original sitting room that has lots of interesting nooks and crannys to explore. Our older children make great use of the old Ball Room as their learning space, with beautiful floors, ornate ceilings and chandeliers. The special character of the building offers a perfect environment for our Montessori approach of respecting and valuing our tamariki in an environment full or charm and excitement.

It truly is a home away from home with a mix of the beautiful old features and modern conveniences.

Our Rooms

Find out more about our learning rooms, Pearl, Pebbles, Pipi and Paua. Each room has its own set age groups, each with various developmental goals and targets.

Our Philosophy

At our Montessori Children’s House, we provide an environment where every child is encouraged toward independence through caring and intentional relationships. This is their place. 

Our Ako approach to education considers that the mind, body and spirit all require nurturing.

Te Whāriki and Montessori work side by side and weave though our practices, principles and programmes.

Tamariki are empowered to take responsibility for their own learning in a calm, caring and prepared environment.

Our outdoor environment is full of beauty and intrigue and becomes another classroom.

We respect and respond to our bi-cultural heritage and celebrate our multi-cultural community.

We are strong in Whanaungatanga fostering whānau relationships and are active participates in our community.

Our Vision

To build creative, responsible caring children with the confidence to dream big and the competence to make it happen.

Our Values

Performance, Pride, Respect.

An amazing outdoor area is completed with a vegetable garden for the children to access at any time. We have an enchanting garden area, a huge sandpit and an enormous gravel pit all set in an old English cottage garden. We have a focus on recycling our tamariki make great use of the many loose parts offered to stimulate their imagination and to support their outdoor play, with trees to climb, ramps to jump from and space to run.

The jewel in our crown is the space. Our centre is limited to 70 children so we can preserve the freedom we believe children need to learn, grow and to explore naturally in a calm and relaxed environment.

Rose and Nicola will take care of all of your queries and they also lead the teaching team.

nicola montessori invercargill


Masters in Education, Degree in ECE, Diploma in Primary and a Diploma in Montessori Education.

rose montessori invercargill


Degree in ECE with strengths in tikanga and te reo and a Diploma in Montessori Education.

montessori building
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Pre-Enrolment / Interest

If you would like to book a visit or ensure your child is considered for enrolment at Montessori Invercargill please fill in the form below,